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Green Tea Extract

Green tea โ€“ still on trend after thousands of years



Green tea describes a kind of tea whereby the leaves of the plant are not fermented, in contrast to black tea. In China, green tea has been cultivated for thousands of years and is now valued worldwide for its health-promoting effect. Over 300 biochemically active substances have been detected in green tea. Caffeine, theanine and catechins (flavonoids) are particularly important here, and in particular epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG).

In addition to the classic consumption of green tea as a drink, dietary supplement products with green tea extracts have also been available on the market for a long time. In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), green tea was recommended to detoxify the body and it is now popular as a dietary product and generally also as a highly effective, natural antioxidant.

However, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) has repeatedly come under criticism in recent years, especially in the case of green tea extracts. Several studies have investigated the relationship between high doses of EGCG and liver damage. In cooperation with our manufacturer, we can therefore offer our customers a product with an EGCG content of less than 0.1% in addition to the standard qualities.

Green tea extract is usually supplied in the form of capsules as a dietary supplement. New on the market are drinks with green tea extract.
